How to Become a First Officer: Your Step by Step Guide to Achieving Your Dream

Are you fascinated by flying planes and want to make it your career? Are you dreaming of becoming a first officer and taking charge of the cockpit? If yes, then this article is for you. In this guide, we will take you through a step-by-step process on how to become a first officer. From obtaining the required education and licenses to gaining flying hours and applying for the job, we’ve got you covered.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Role of a First Officer
  3. Requirements to Become a First Officer
    • Education
    • Flight Training
    • Licenses and Certificates
  4. Building Flight Experience
    • Flight Hours
    • Additional Certifications
  5. Applying for the Job
    • Job Market
    • Interview Process
    • Salary and Benefits
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs

Understanding the Role of a First Officer

Before we dive into the process of becoming a first officer, let’s understand the role of a first officer. A first officer, also known as a co-pilot, is the second-in-command of a commercial airline flight. They assist the captain in flying the aircraft, communicating with air traffic control, and ensuring the safety of passengers and crew. The first officer also performs pre-flight checks and monitors the aircraft’s systems during the flight.

Requirements to Become a First Officer

To become a first officer, you need to meet certain requirements.


A high school diploma or equivalent is the minimum education requirement to become a first officer. However, most airlines prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in aviation, aerospace engineering, or a related field. A degree in a non-aviation field is also acceptable, but you may need to take additional courses in aviation.

Flight Training

Flight training is an essential part of becoming a first officer. You need to complete flight training at a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved flight school. Flight training includes ground school, simulator training, and flight hours.

Licenses and Certificates

To become a first officer, you need to obtain a commercial pilot’s license and an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate. You also need to obtain a multi-engine rating and an instrument rating. These licenses and certificates require you to pass a written exam, a practical exam, and meet the required flight hours.

Building Flight Experience

After obtaining the required licenses and certificates, you need to build flight experience. The more flight hours you have, the more attractive you are to airlines.

Flight Hours

Most airlines require a minimum of 1500 flight hours to become a first officer. You can build flight hours by working as a flight instructor, charter pilot, or cargo pilot.

Additional Certifications

Obtaining additional certifications can make you more attractive to airlines. Certifications such as a certified flight instructor (CFI) and a certified flight instructor instrument (CFII) can help you gain more flight hours and enhance your skills.

Applying for the Job

Once you have met the requirements and gained the necessary flight experience, it’s time to apply for the job.

Job Market

The job market for first officers is competitive, but it’s expected to grow in the coming years. To increase your chances of getting hired, you can apply to regional airlines, which often have less strict requirements than major airlines.

Interview Process

The interview process for a first officer position usually includes a technical interview, a simulator evaluation, and a behavioral interview. During the technical interview, you will be asked questions related to aviation and the aircraft you will be flying. The simulator evaluation tests your flying

skills and ability to handle emergency situations. The behavioral interview evaluates your communication skills, teamwork abilities, and decision-making skills.

Salary and Benefits

The salary of a first officer varies depending on the airline and the aircraft type. On average, a first officer can earn between $50,000 to $100,000 per year. Airlines also offer benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and travel benefits.


Becoming a first officer requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for flying. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can achieve your dream of becoming a first officer. Remember to obtain the required education and licenses, build flight experience, and apply to the right job market. With perseverance and determination, you can soar to new heights as a first officer.


What is the minimum education requirement to become a first officer?

A high school diploma or equivalent is the minimum education requirement.

What licenses and certificates do I need to become a first officer?

You need to obtain a commercial pilot’s license, an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate, a multi-engine rating, and an instrument rating.

How many flight hours do I need to become a first officer?

Most airlines require a minimum of 1500 flight hours.

What can I do to increase my chances of getting hired as a first officer?

You can apply to regional airlines, obtain additional certifications, and network with industry professionals.

What is the average salary of a first officer?

The average salary of a first officer varies between $50,000 to $100,000 per year.

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